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Switchboard cloud integration platform

One integration for your whole supply chain

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We help you navigate supply chains of any scale...

Digitise your supply chain by connecting to every system and trading partner that interacts with your company's supply chain through a single integration.

Integrate your system once into Switchboard's platform, and connect with any partner or system your supply chain needs

Onboard trading partners in days, not weeks, and pay a fraction of the cost of other integrations on the market

Send and receive the data for every single step of your supply chain through a single source

Remove manual processes, emails and spreadsheets from your supply chain management

...and build a scalable integration in record time

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Unlock massive business value

Switchboard makes supply chain integrations easy - giving you visibility over inventory, and fast, accurate ordering to support modern supply chains


faster supplier onboarding

One easy, modern platform for all your trading partners - no more complex and expensive EDI or API integrations


less manual handling

Remove the manual handling needed to check inventory, manage ordering, and documentation


the cost of  a VAN

Get world-class digital integration at a fraction of the cost of other solutions on the market


 Switchboard gives you the flexibility and scalability to manage all trading partners

A photo of shipping containers, seen from straight on, with a slight blue tint

Get in touch

Let's get rid of your supply chain headaches. Get in touch and see how Switchboard can change your business.

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